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Quilted Mug Rug with a monogram


Simple yet elegant patchwork project for beginners using Quilt As You Go (QAYG) technique. You will learn how to create a simple patchwork using QAYG method, quilt a grid, make rounded corners and add a monogram. This pattern requires basic sewing skills and a sewing machine.

Finished size: 6 3/4" x 6 3/4" (17.1 x 17.1cm).

You will need:

(1) Fabric A 1 ¾” x 4 ⅛” (4.4 x 10.5cm), quilting cotton

(1) Fabric B 5 ¼” x 2” (13.3 x 5.1cm), quilting cotton

(1) Fabric C 2 ¾” x 5 ⅝” (7.0 x 14.3cm), quilting cotton

(1) Fabric D 7 ½” x 2 ¼” (19.1 x 5.7cm)

(1) Fabric F 4 ⅛” x 4 ⅛” (10.5 x 10.5 cm)

(1) backing fabric 8” x 8” (20.3 x 20.3cm), quilting cotton

(1) batting 8” x 8” (20.3 x 20.3cm)

Presser feet for Pfaff quilt expression 720 you can use in this project (optional):

Quarter inch foot (1) for sewing with ¼” (0.6cm) SA,

Adjustable guide foot (2) for grid quilting,

Standard presser foot for IDT system (3) for evenly spaced parallel quilting,

Maxi stitch foot (4) for monogram

Water/heat erasable marker

This project was designed for educational purposes for Pfaff Finland. The pattern is for personal use and gifts only.

Ohjeet suomeksi löytyy täältä

Pattern notes:

All measurements are Width x Height.

Cut the pieces according to cutting instructions.

All markings are done with a water/heat erasable pen.

Backstitch the seams, at the beginning and end of every seam.

RS = right side, WS = wrong side, SA = seam allowance

Ironing - Always press with a hot iron set for cotton WITHOUT steam. Steam may cause the distortion of the sewn piece.

The diagrams are not to scale.


1. Mark diagonal centre lines on fabric F (marked in red in Diagram 2). If you don´t have an adjustable guide foot, mark quilting lines ½” (1.3cm) apart.

2. Position fabric F (RS up) at 1 ½” (3.8cm) from the left edge of the batting piece and at 2” (5.1cm) from the bottom (Diagram 2).

3.Using adjustable guide foot (2), first, quilt on one of the marked diagonal lines, then quilt the parallel lines ½” (1.3cm) apart. Quilt on the second diagonal line and then parallel lines. Start and end your stitching on the batting, approximately at ¼” (0.6cm) outside piece F.

4. Align piece A (WS up) along the right edge of the quilted piece F. Stitch along the right edge through all layers with ¼” (0.6cm) SA using a quarter inch foot (1).

5. Flip piece A to the right (RS up) and finger press the seam. Using a regular stitch length (2.5) and standard presser foot (3), quilt 3 parallel lines at 5/16” (0.8cm) to the right of the seam. Use the edge of the presser foot as a guide for your stitching. Start and end your stitching approx. ¼” (0.6cm) outside the piece A on the batting.

6. Place piece B (WS up) on top of the joined pieces FA and align all pieces along the bottom. Stitch along the bottom edge with ¼” (0.6cm) SA using a quarter inch foot (1).

7. Flip piece B to the bottom (RS up) and finger press the seam. Quilt 4 parallel lines at 5/16” (0.8cm) from the seam on piece B using standard presser foot (3). Start and end your quilting on the batting at approx. 1/4” (0.6cm) outside the piece B.

8. Add pieces C and D in the same way as described in steps 6, 7. Refer to Diagram 1 for placement of the pieces. Quilt 5 parallel lines on piece C and 4 lines on piece D. Quilting lines are 5/16” (0.8cm) apart.

9. Using a Monogram stitch (7.2) on Pfaff Quilt expression 720, first, stitch a monogram or sequence of letters on a fabric scrap to check the measurements. Mark the start of the monogram with a water soluble marker in the right bottom corner of the piece F and embroider the monogram.

10. Trim the quilted piece to 7 ¼” x 7 ¼” (18.4 x 18.4). Using a round household object (for example, a glass) mark rounded corners with a water soluble marker on the RS of the quilted piece. Cut the corners on the marked lines with scissors.

11. Place the quilted front and backing fabric RS together so you have approximately the same excess backing fabric around the quilted piece. Pin. Stitch (from the quilted side) through all layers with ¼” (0.6cm) SA using quarter inch foot (1) and leave approx. 2” (5.1cm) opening in the middle of one side.

12. Cut excess backing fabric to ¼” (0.6cm) with pinking shears, leaving approx. 3/8"(1cm) SA at the opening on the backing.

13. Carefully turn the mug rug RS out through the opening. Reach inside with your fingers and smooth the curves on the corners. Press with hot iron.

14.Stitch the opening closed using a ladder stitch.

Your mug rug is ready!

It often happens when I like a pattern, I cant stop😊 So I made 4 mug rugs!

I used Tilda Cotton Beach collection to create this set.

Here in Finland, Valentine´s Day is called Friendship Day. This pattern is my gift to you, my followers and subscribers, so you can make some personalized gifts for your family members and friends!

If you make these monogrammed mug rugs and would like to share on IG, please tag me at @nordiccrafter and use the hashtag #nordiccrafterpatterns so I can admire your beautiful creations!

Happy Sewing!🖤

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Apr 28, 2023

Hi! I wanted to drop a quick message to let you know that I featured your awesome tutorial on Crafts on Display. You can check it out here – All the best, Violeta

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Irina Malyukova
Oct 17, 2023
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